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Intercom’s response to proposed changes to the Equality Act

Intercom, alongside others including Consortium, Stonewall, Mermaids and TransActual CIC have responded to the Conservative policy pledge on amending the Equality Act to change “sex” to “biological sex”:

“The Equality Act is world-class legislation that took almost a decade to develop, and has been working well for 14 years. Under the Act, trans people can legally access single-sex services based on their gender, and services can exclude trans people, whether or not they hold a Gender Recognition Certificate, if it is a proportionate thing to do to achieve a legitimate aim. We believe the thresholds that the Equality Act sets are a proportionate bar for services to address if they are to use these single sex exemptions. Violence affecting women and girls is a significant concern, including for many LGBTQ+ women. It is vital that there is sustained and meaningful investment to ensure there are services which meet the full diversity of need across the country. However, it is not necessary to re-define sex in the Equality Act for service providers to provide a range of services. This is something they do routinely already.”

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