Empowering organisations with strategic support

We work with many organisations to enable community consultation, improve their draft policies and strategies, and, above all, to mainstream equality and fairness for LGBT+ people throughout their service-delivery systems.


Our consultancy work takes a collaborative and flexible approach to meet your specific needs. Consultations can range from more formal research and surveys to informal discussions with groups of supported service users. We continue to support schools, commercial firms, third sector providers, local government, police, NHS, and other public bodies to meet their particular needs and helping to instil cultural and institutional change to the benefit of all LGBT+ people.


Our consultancy work so far has included collaborative working with key partners at Devon County Council, Devon and Cornwall Police,. We have also worked closely with Devon CCG/ICS ,Dorset and Cornwall County Councils, NHS Southwest Improvement, and many others

We worked in partnership worth Exeter University, Northcott theatre and the Playwright Natalie McGrath to consult on the hugely successful ‘The beat of our hearts’ , the play focused on the lives of rural, intergenerational LGBTQI people.


We are always really excited to hear about opportunities to consult with services or organisations, and work collaboratively to ensure equality and inclusivity. Please get in touch by phone or email, and we can explore options together.


Intercom Trust is not funded to provide consultancy as part of our services, so we will provide a bespoke quote for costs depending on what is required. Please contact us for more details.


Chat with one of the Intercom team to discuss your consultation requirements. 

Call or email us

Chat with one of the Intercom team to discuss how we can best help consult with your organisation. 

9:00 - 4:00 pm (Mon to Fri)